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Development and Quality Unit

Unit Duties:

  • Foster a culture of quality in the college or units.
  • Evaluate the level of performance in the college or unit.
  • Oversee the implementation and evaluation of academic accreditation standards.
  • Develop the implementation of the strategic plans of the college or unit.
  • Identify potential areas for improvement and propose relevant projects.
  • Facilitate the formation of task teams to implement proposed projects.
  • Encourage College or management staff to initiate projects and assist them in activating those Proposals.
  • Provide the quality implementation team with the necessary facilitation  .
  • Document the efforts and results of implementation and submit them to the Deanship of Quality.
  • Collect data and information on quality activities in the college or unit.
  • Prepare periodic reports on performance and user satisfaction levels in each activity.
  • Follow-up of the procedures of excellence awards in the college.
  • Carry out other tasks assigned to the unit in terms of quality and application.


Head of the Unit:

Dr.. Khaled Salah Saeed Abdul Majeed






Administrative link:

The quality unit is administratively linked to vice dean of development and quality, and other supporting deanships and departments linked to the highest authority.



Assignment of Dr. Khalid Salah Saeed Abdul Majeed as Head of Development and Quality Unit for one year starting from 1/4/1437







Last updated on : November 27, 2024 9:46am